• Current Taxon Name (Soil Name): Avonburg
  • OSD
  • Series Extent
  • User Site ID: 1960OH015S15
  • User Pedon ID: 1960-OH015-S15
  • Lab Information:
  • Certified Lab Pedon Description - no
  • Lab Source ID - OHSTATE
  • Lab Pedon # - BN-s15
  • NCSS Pedon Lab Data NASIS Record ID - 71108
  • Print Date: 9/24/2024

  • Location Description: Perry Twp. 0.8 mi. S of Fayetteville on US Hwy 68 then E 2.2 mi. on gravel road to Parking lot No.2, Indian Creek Wildlife Area. Then 280 ft. N and 60 ft. W of property line.
  • State: Ohio
  • County: OH015—Brown

  • Describers Name: shumate, tabb
  • Current Taxonomic Class: Fine-silty, mixed, mesic Aeric Fragiaqualfs
  • Pedon Record Orgin: NASIS
  • Correlated Information:
  • Soil Name - Avonburg
  • Classificaton Date - 5/4/2012
  • Dynamic Soil Properties:
  • Pedoderm Loose Cover Indicator - no
  • Hydric: no

  • SITE

  • Parent Material: Illinoian loess; Illinoian till
  • Landform: ground moraine
  • Drainage Class: somewhat poorly
  • Geology: Illinoian formation.
  • Surface Fragments:
  • Benchmark Soil?: no


  • Observation Date: 5/2/1960 (actual site observation date)
  • Surface Cover Properties:
  • Site Obs. Cover Kind 1 - grass/herbaceous cover
  • Site Obs. Cover Kind 2 - other grass/herbaceous cover
  • Pedoderm Loose Cover Indicator - no
  • Drained? - no
  • Bedded Soil? - no
  • Forest Plantation? - no
  • Setting and Climate
    Slope Slope Length USLE Upslope Length Elev. Corr. Elev Aspect MAP REAP FFD MAAT MSAT MWAT MAST MSST MWST MFFP PE Index Climate Station ID Climate Station Name Climate Station Type
    % m degrees mm mm C mm



    Ap—0 to 13 centimeters (0.0 to 5.1 inches); dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) Error; weak medium granular structure; friable; 33 percent fine faint grayish brown (10YR 5/2), moist, masses of reduced iron; fragments; strongly acid, pH 5.4; clear smooth boundary. Lab sample # OSU0010643. Many, fine rust-colored splotches and concretions. Nonsticky and nonplastic when wet.
    A—13 to 25 centimeters (5.1 to 9.8 inches); dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) Error; weak coarse platy structure; friable; 33 percent fine faint grayish brown (10YR 5/2), moist, masses of reduced iron; fragments; strongly acid, pH 5.4; abrupt irregular boundary. Lab sample # OSU0010644. Common fine rust-colored splotches and concretions. Nonsticky and nonplastic when wet.
    E—25 to 36 centimeters (9.8 to 14.2 inches); light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4) Error; weak coarse platy structure; friable; light brownish gray (2.5Y 6/2), moist, masses of reduced iron and 33 percent medium distinct yellowish brown (10YR 5/6), moist, masses of oxidized iron; fragments; very strongly acid, pH 5.0; clear smooth boundary. Lab sample # OSU0010645. Nonsticky and nonplastic when wet. Protrusions of the A12 horizon along the upper boundary.
    Bt—36 to 53 centimeters (14.2 to 20.9 inches); light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4) Error; weak coarse prismatic, and moderate subangular blocky structure; friable; light brownish gray (2.5Y 6/2), moist, masses of reduced iron and 33 percent medium distinct yellowish brown (10YR 5/6), moist, masses of oxidized iron; fragments; strongly acid, pH 5.4; gradual smooth boundary. Lab sample # OSU0010646. Sticky when wet, hard when dry.
    Btgx1—53 to 84 centimeters (20.9 to 33.1 inches); 50 percent gray (10YR 6/1) and 50 percent yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) Error; strong medium and coarse prismatic, and moderate angular blocky structure; firm; pale brown (10YR 6/3), moist, silt coats; fragments; very strongly acid, pH 5.0; gradual smooth boundary. Lab sample # OSU0010647. Slightly sticky when wet, very hard when dry. Occasional resistant glacial pebbles. Horizon of maximum gleying. Silt coatings occur continuously, in varying thickness, on prism surfaces in upper part of horizon; discontinuous over the clay flows in cracks; discontinuous - phpvsfiid 976191; discontinuous - phpvsfiid 976191
    Btgx2—84 to 114 centimeters (33.1 to 44.9 inches); gray (10YR 5/1) and yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) and yellowish brown (10YR 5/4); strong medium and coarse prismatic structure; firm; very pale brown (10YR 7/3), moist, silt coats; fragments; very strongly acid, pH 5.0; gradual smooth boundary. Lab sample # OSU0010648. Slightly sticky when wet, very hard when dry. Occasional resistant glacial pebbles.; discontinuous - phpvsfiid 976192; discontinuous - phpvsfiid 976192
    Btgx3—114 to 132 centimeters (44.9 to 52.0 inches); strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) and gray (10YR 6/1) and yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) Error; massive; firm; fragments; strongly acid, pH 5.4; gradual smooth boundary. Lab sample # OSU0010649. Slightly sticky when wet, very hard when dry. Occasional resistant glacial pebbles. General seepline or perched water table occurs at about the lower boundary of the overlying horizon.
    Btgx4—132 to 152 centimeters (52.0 to 59.8 inches); gray (10YR 6/1) and yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) and strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) Error; massive; firm; fragments; slightly acid, pH 6.4. Lab sample # OSU0010650. Slightly sticky when wet, very hard when dry. Occasional resistant glacial pebbles. Zone of maximum stain deposition.
    Btx—152 to 178 centimeters (59.8 to 70.1 inches); yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) and brown (10YR 4/3) Error; massive; firm; fragments; neutral, pH 6.8. Lab sample # OSU0010651. Vertical cleavage planes or some very coarse polygonal structure. Occasional glacial pebble.
    BCx—178 to 203 centimeters (70.1 to 79.9 inches); yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) Error; massive; firm; 1 percent fine distinct 2.5Y 7/ (2.5Y 7/), moist, masses of reduced iron; fragments; neutral, pH 7.0. Lab sample # OSU0010652. Vertical cleavage planes or some very coarse polygonal structure. Occasional resistant glacial pebbles.
    C—203 to 229 centimeters (79.9 to 90.2 inches); brownish yellow (10YR 6/6) and light brownish gray (2.5Y 6/2) Error; fragments. Lab sample # OSU0010653