• Current Taxon Name (Soil Name): Hueco
  • OSD
  • Series Extent
  • User Site ID: S1995NM013004A
  • User Pedon ID: 95NM013004A
  • Vegetation Plot ID: S1995NM013004A
  • Lab Information:
  • Certified Lab Pedon Description - no
  • Lab Source ID - SSL
  • Lab Pedon # - 97P0344
  • NCSS Pedon Lab Data NASIS Record ID - 10027
  • Print Date: 12/11/2024

  • Township: 20S
  • Range: 1E
  • Section: 3
  • PLSS Details: NW1/4 NE1/4 NW 1/4
  • Location Description: 55 meters north of road.
  • State: New Mexico
  • County: NM013—Dona Ana

  • Describers Name: L. H. Giles.
  • Current Taxonomic Class: Coarse-loamy, mixed, superactive, thermic Argic Petrocalcids
  • Current Taxon Kind: series
  • Pedon Purpose: full pedon description
  • Pedon Record Orgin: Converted from PDP 3.x
  • Pedon #: 4
  • Correlated Information:
  • Soil Name - Hueco
  • Classificaton Date - 7/23/2007
  • Moisture Class - aridic (torric)
  • Sampled As Information:
  • Soil Name - Hueco
  • Taxonomic Class - Coarse-loamy, mixed, thermic Argic Petrocalcid
  • Taxon Kind - series
  • Classificaton Date - 3/12/1995
  • Moisture Class - aridic (torric)
  • Dynamic Soil Properties:
  • Pedoderm Loose Cover Indicator - no
  • Hydric: no

  • SITE

  • Landscape: basin
  • Landform: basin floor
  • Surface Fragments:
  • Benchmark Soil?: no


  • Observation Date: 3/12/1995 (actual site observation date)
  • Surface Cover Properties:
  • Pedoderm Loose Cover Indicator - no
  • Drained? - no
  • Bedded Soil? - no
  • Forest Plantation? - no
  • Vegetation Plot Plants
    Plant Symbol Scientific Name National Vernacular Name Plant Type Group Canopy Cover % Vegetation Stata Level





    Bouteloua eriopoda

    Bouteloua eriopoda


    Yucca elata var. elata

    black grama

    black grama


    soaptree yucca

    Setting and Climate
    Slope Slope Length USLE Upslope Length Elev. Corr. Elev Aspect MAP REAP FFD MAAT MSAT MWAT MAST MSST MWST MFFP PE Index Climate Station ID Climate Station Name Climate Station Type
    % m degrees mm mm C mm


    K32—202 to 228 centimeters (79.5 to 89.8 inches); light brown (7.5YR 6/4), pinkish white (7.5YR 8/2), dry; very gravelly sand; massive, and single grain; soft, very friable, weakly cemented by carbonates; fragments; strong effervescence; abrupt wavy boundary. Lab sample # 97P02088. Gravel consists of carbonate-cemented nodules.
    Bqk1—228 to 261 centimeters (89.8 to 102.8 inches); brown (7.5YR 5/3), pink (7.5YR 7/3), dry; massive, and weak and moderate medium and coarse platy; extremely hard, extremely firm*, moderately cemented by silica; fragments; strong effervescence; clear wavy boundary. Lab sample # 97P02089. Lesser amounts slightly lighter or darker; some parts strongly effervescent other parts noncalcareous; carbon occurs as fillings between plates and in vertical cracks.
    Bqk2—261 to 282 centimeters (102.8 to 111.0 inches); pink (7.5YR 7/3), pinkish white (7.5YR 8/2), dry; very gravelly sand; massive; soft, very friable, weakly cemented by carbonates; fragments; strong effervescence; clear wavy boundary. Lab sample # 97P02090. Gravel consists of carbonate-cemented nodules.
    Bqk3—282 to 301 centimeters (111.0 to 118.5 inches); brown (7.5YR 5/3), light brown (7.5YR 6/3), dry; weak coarse subangular blocky structure; extremely hard, extremely firm*, moderately cemented by silica; fragments; strong effervescence; abrupt smooth boundary. Lab sample # 97P02091. Lesser amounts slightly lighter or darker.
    Bqk4—301 to 317 centimeters (118.5 to 124.8 inches); light brown (7.5YR 6/3), pink (7.5YR 7/3), dry; weak coarse subangular blocky structure; extremely hard, extremely firm*, moderately cemented by silica; fragments; strong effervescence; abrupt smooth boundary. Lab sample # 97P02092. Lesser amounts slightly lighter or darker.
    Kqm—317 to 327 centimeters (124.8 to 128.7 inches); very pale brown (10YR 7/3), very pale brown (10YR 8/2), dry; massive; extremely hard, extremely firm*, moderately cemented by carbonates and silica; fragments; strong effervescence; abrupt smooth boundary. Lab sample # 97P02093. Has pumice grains.
    Bqm—327 to 335 centimeters (128.7 to 131.9 inches); brown (7.5YR 5/3), pink (7.5YR 7/3), dry; massive; very hard, firm, moderately cemented by silica; fragments; noneffervescent; clear wavy boundary. Lab sample # 97P02094. Has pumice grains and lesser parts of 10YR 8/3.
    Bq—335 to 351 centimeters (131.9 to 138.2 inches); brown (10YR 5/3), very pale brown (10YR 7/3), dry; sand; massive; soft, very friable; fragments; noneffervescent; clear wavy boundary. Lab sample # 97P02095. Has pumice grains, but less than above.
    Ck—351 to 361 centimeters (138.2 to 142.1 inches); grayish brown (10YR 5/2), light gray (10YR 7/2), dry; very gravelly sand; massive; soft, very friable; fragments; noneffervescent; clear wavy boundary. Lab sample # 97P02096. Gravel consists of rounded, carbonate-cemented nodules ranging from to 10 cm in diameter.
    C—361 to 373 centimeters (142.1 to 146.9 inches); grayish brown (10YR 5/2), light gray (10YR 7/2), dry; sand; massive, and single grain; soft, very friable; fragments; noneffervescent; abrupt wavy boundary. Lab sample # 97P02097
    C'K—373 to 383 centimeters (146.9 to 150.8 inches); light gray (10YR 7/2), very pale brown (10YR 8/2), dry; sand; massive; extremely hard, extremely firm*, strongly cemented by carbonates; fragments; strong effervescence. Lab sample # 97P02098