Current Taxon Name (Soil Name):
Series Extent
User Site ID:
User Pedon ID:
Vegetation Plot ID:
Lab Information:
Certified Lab Pedon Description -
Lab Source ID -
Lab Pedon # -
NCSS Pedon Lab Data NASIS Record ID -
Print Date:
Location In Web Soil Survey
AOI is roughly a square mile and pedon is marked in the center.
Location in SoilWeb
Location in Google Maps
Std. Latitude:
Std. Longitude:
PLSS Details:
400 feet N and 85 feet E of the SW corner
South Dakota
102B—Till Plains
Non-MLRA Soil Survey Area:
SD099—Minnehaha County, South Dakota
Current Taxonomic Class:
Fine-silty, mixed, mesic Udic Haplustolls
Pedon Record Orgin:
Converted from PDP 3.x
Pedon #:
Correlated Information:
Soil Name -
Classificaton Date -
Moisture Class -
Sampled As Information:
Soil Name -
Classificaton Date -
Dynamic Soil Properties:
Erosion Class -
Pedoderm Loose Cover Indicator -
Slope Shape Down:
Drainage Class:
Surface Fragments:
0.00 percent
Benchmark Soil?:
Observation Date:
8/13/1957 (actual site observation date)
Surface Cover Properties:
Site Obs. Cover Kind 1 -
crop cover
Pedoderm Loose Cover Indicator -
Drained? -
Bedded Soil? -
Forest Plantation? -
Vegetation Plot Plants
Plant Symbol
Scientific Name
National Vernacular Name
Plant Type Group
Canopy Cover %
Vegetation Stata Level
Setting and Climate
Slope Length USLE
Upslope Length
Corr. Elev
PE Index
Climate Station ID
Climate Station Name
Climate Station Type
ABp—0 to 13 centimeters (0.0 to 5.1 inches); dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) and light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/3), very dark brown (10YR 2/2) and brown (10YR 4/3), moist; silt loam; weak subangular blocky parts to weak fine granular structure; soft, friable; fragments; noneffervescent. Lab sample # 40A19003. Quartz grains finely divided, primarily lightly stained, some bleached; temperature 75 degrees F; false, plow depth boundary.
B21—13 to 30 centimeters (5.1 to 11.8 inches); olive brown (2.5Y 4/3), dark olive brown (2.5Y 3/3), moist; silt loam; weak medium and coarse prismatic parts to weak fine and medium angular blocky structure; soft, friable; 3.0 very fine pores; very dark brown (10YR 2/2), moist, coats on faces of peds and dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2), dry, coats on faces of peds and clay films on all faces of peds; 1 percent very dark brown (10YR 2/2) worm casts and 1 percent dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) worm casts; fragments; noneffervescent; gradual smooth boundary. Lab sample # 40A19004. Quartz grains finely divided, primarily lightly stained, some bleached; temperature 78 degrees F.; patchy - phpvsfiid 185059; patchy - phpvsfiid 185060; patchy - phpvsfiid 185061; patchy - phpvsfiid 185059; patchy - phpvsfiid 185060; patchy - phpvsfiid 185061
B22—30 to 46 centimeters (11.8 to 18.1 inches); light olive brown (2.5Y 5/3), olive brown (2.5Y 4/3), moist; silt loam; weak and moderate coarse prismatic parts to medium prismatic parts to weak fine and medium angular blocky structure; slightly hard, friable; 3.0 very fine and 0.5 tubular pores; dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2), moist, coats on faces of peds and grayish brown (2.5Y 5/2), dry, coats on faces of peds and clay films on all faces of peds; 1 percent worm casts; fragments; noneffervescent; abrupt smooth boundary. Lab sample # 40A19005. Quartz grains finely divided, primarily lightly stained, some bleached; temperature 77 degrees F.; patchy - phpvsfiid 185062; patchy - phpvsfiid 185063; patchy - phpvsfiid 185064; patchy - phpvsfiid 185062; patchy - phpvsfiid 185063; patchy - phpvsfiid 185064
B2ca1—46 to 61 centimeters (18.1 to 24.0 inches); light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/3), olive brown (2.5Y 4/4), moist; silt loam; weak and moderate medium and coarse prismatic parts to weak fine and medium angular blocky structure; slightly hard, friable; 3.0 very fine and 0.5 tubular pores; olive brown (2.5Y 4/3), moist, coats on faces of peds and light olive brown (2.5Y 5/3), dry, coats on faces of peds and clay films on all faces of peds and carbonate coats on concretions; 1 percent worm casts and 1 percent fine lime masses and 3 percent fine and medium weakly coherent cemented carbonate concretions; fragments; strong effervescence; gradual smooth boundary. Lab sample # 40A19006. Quartz grains finely divided, primarily lightly stained, some bleached; temperature 75 degrees F.; patchy - phpvsfiid 185065; patchy - phpvsfiid 185066; patchy - phpvsfiid 185067; continuous - phpvsfiid 185068; patchy - phpvsfiid 185065; patchy - phpvsfiid 185066; patchy - phpvsfiid 185067; continuous - phpvsfiid 185068
B2ca2—61 to 79 centimeters (24.0 to 31.1 inches); light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/3), light olive brown (2.5Y 5/4), moist; silt loam; weak and moderate very coarse prismatic structure; soft, friable; 3.0 very fine and 0.5 tubular pores; olive brown (2.5Y 4/3), moist, coats on faces of peds and light olive brown (2.5Y 5/3), dry, coats on faces of peds and clay films on all faces of peds and carbonate coats on concretions; 1 percent worm casts and 1 percent fine lime masses and 3 percent fine and medium weakly coherent cemented carbonate concretions; fragments; strong effervescence; gradual smooth boundary. Lab sample # 40A19007. Quartz grains finely divided, primarily lightly stained, some bleached; temperature 73 degrees F.; patchy - phpvsfiid 185069; patchy - phpvsfiid 185070; patchy - phpvsfiid 185071; continuous - phpvsfiid 185072; patchy - phpvsfiid 185069; patchy - phpvsfiid 185070; patchy - phpvsfiid 185071; continuous - phpvsfiid 185072
B2ca3—79 to 97 centimeters (31.1 to 38.2 inches); light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/3), light olive brown (2.5Y 5/4), moist; silt loam; weak and moderate very coarse prismatic structure; soft, friable; 3.0 very fine and 0.5 fine and medium tubular pores; dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2), moist, coats on faces of peds and light brownish gray (2.5Y 6/2), dry, coats on faces of peds and carbonate coats on concretions and 10 percent faint iron stains on faces of peds; 1 percent worm casts and 1 percent fine lime masses and 3 percent fine and medium weakly coherent cemented carbonate concretions; fragments; strong effervescence; gradual smooth boundary. Lab sample # 40A19008. Open worm cavities (1/4-1/2 inch wide, 1/2-3/4 inch long); quartz grains finely divided, primarily lightly stained, some bleached; increasing dark minerals; temperature 72 degrees F.; patchy - phpvsfiid 185073; patchy - phpvsfiid 185074; continuous - phpvsfiid 185076; patchy - phpvsfiid 185073; patchy - phpvsfiid 185074; continuous - phpvsfiid 185076
B3ca1—97 to 112 centimeters (38.2 to 44.1 inches); light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/3), light olive brown (2.5Y 5/3), moist; silt loam; weak very coarse prismatic structure; soft, friable; 3.0 very fine and 0.5 fine and medium tubular pores; olive brown (2.5Y 4/3), moist, coats on faces of peds and light brownish gray (2.5Y 6/2), dry, coats on faces of peds and clay films on all faces of peds and carbonate coats on concretions and 10 percent faint manganese or iron-manganese stains on faces of peds; 1 percent worm casts and 1 percent fine lime masses and 1 percent fine and medium weakly coherent cemented carbonate concretions; fragments; strong effervescence; gradual smooth boundary. Lab sample # 40A19009. Quartz finely divided, primarily lightly stained, some bleached; dark minerals as above; temperature 70 degrees F.; patchy - phpvsfiid 185077; patchy - phpvsfiid 185078; patchy - phpvsfiid 185079; continuous - phpvsfiid 185081; patchy - phpvsfiid 185077; patchy - phpvsfiid 185078; patchy - phpvsfiid 185079; continuous - phpvsfiid 185081
B3ca2—112 to 140 centimeters (44.1 to 55.1 inches); light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/3), light olive brown (2.5Y 5/3), moist; silt loam; weak very coarse prismatic structure; soft, friable; 3.0 very fine and 0.5 fine and medium tubular pores; light olive brown (2.5Y 5/3), moist, coats on faces of peds and light brownish gray (2.5Y 6/2), dry, coats on faces of peds and clay films on all faces of peds and carbonate coats on concretions and 10 percent distinct dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/6), moist, iron stains on faces of peds and 10 percent distinct yellowish brown (10YR 5/8), dry, iron stains on faces of peds and 10 percent black (10YR 2/1), moist, manganese or iron-manganese stains on faces of peds and 10 percent very dark gray (10YR 3/1), dry, manganese or iron-manganese stains on faces of peds; 1 percent worm casts and 1 percent fine lime masses and 1 percent fine and medium weakly coherent cemented carbonate concretions; fragments; strong effervescence; clear smooth boundary. Lab sample # 40A19010. Open worm cavities 1/4-1/2 inch wide, 1/2-3/4 inch long; quartz grains finely divided, primarily lightly stained, some bleached; increasing dark minerals; temperature 68 degrees F.; patchy - phpvsfiid 185086; patchy - phpvsfiid 185087; patchy - phpvsfiid 185088; continuous - phpvsfiid 185089; patchy - phpvsfiid 185086; patchy - phpvsfiid 185087; patchy - phpvsfiid 185088; continuous - phpvsfiid 185089
Cca—140 to 170 centimeters (55.1 to 66.9 inches); light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/3), light olive brown (2.5Y 5/3), moist; silt loam; massive; soft, very friable; 3.0 very fine pores; 10 percent distinct black (10YR 2/1), moist, manganese or iron-manganese stains on faces of peds and 10 percent distinct very dark gray (10YR 3/1), dry, manganese or iron-manganese stains on faces of peds and 30 percent distinct dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/6), moist, iron stains on faces of peds and 30 percent distinct yellowish brown (10YR 5/8), dry, iron stains on faces of peds; 1 percent fine lime masses; fragments; slight effervescence. Lab sample # 40A19011. Quartz finely divided, primarily lightly stained, some bleached; quartz in iron stains darkly stained; increasing dark minerals; temperature 66 degrees.