• Current Taxon Name (Soil Name): Fourmound
  • OSD
  • Series Extent
  • User Site ID: 00-MLW-20
  • User Pedon ID: S2000WA063002
  • Vegetation Plot ID: 00-MLW-20
  • User Site Association ID: SSR01 OSDs with Locations Verified
  • Lab Information:
  • Certified Lab Pedon Description - no
  • Lab Pedon # - 01P0251
  • NCSS Pedon Lab Data NASIS Record ID - 13083
  • Print Date: 12/17/2024

  • Location In Web Soil Survey
  • AOI is roughly a square mile and pedon is marked in the center.
  • Location in SoilWeb
  • Location in Google Maps
  • Std. Latitude: 47.7544174
  • Std. Longitude: -117.6440582
  • Datum: WGS84
  • Township: 26N
  • Range: 41E
  • Section: 16
  • PLSS Details: About 1670 feet south and 775 feet east of the northwest corner of
  • Location Description: about 1670 feet south and 775 feet east of the intersections of Dover and Burnett roads
  • Map Unit: 3114—Rockly-Fourmound complex, 0 to 15 percent slopes
  • State: Washington
  • County: WA063—Spokane
  • MLRA: 9—Palouse and Nez Perce Prairies
  • Non-MLRA Soil Survey Area: WA063—Spokane County, Washington
  • 7.5 Minute USGS Quad: 47117-G6—Four Mound Prairie, Washington

  • Describers Name: Mary Water
  • Current Taxonomic Class: Coarse-loamy, isotic, mesic Vitrandic Haploxerolls
  • Current Taxon Kind: series
  • Pedon Type: OSD pedon
  • Pedon Purpose: full pedon description
  • Pedon Record Orgin: NASIS
  • Correlated Information:
  • Soil Name - Fourmound (flagged as OSD)
  • PSC - 25 to 100 cm.
  • Classificaton Date - 2/10/2012
  • Soil Taxonomic Edition - eleventh edition
  • Moisture Class - xeric
  • Moisture Subclass - typic
  • Sampled As Information:
  • Soil Name - Fourmound
  • Classificaton Date - 8/10/2000
  • Dynamic Soil Properties:
  • Pedoderm Loose Cover Indicator - no
  • Hydric: no

  • SITE

  • Parent Material: volcanic ash and/or loess over glaciofluvial deposits over residuum weathered from basalt
  • Landscape: scabland
  • Landform: patterned ground
  • Slope Shape Across: convex
  • Drainage Class: well
  • Flooding: none flooding
  • Ponding: none ponding
  • Bedrock: indurated basalt at 119cm
  • Surface Fragments:
  • Benchmark Soil?: no


  • Observation Date: 8/10/2000 (actual site observation date)
  • Plant Association Name: PIPO/SYAL
  • Surface Cover Properties:
  • Site Obs. Cover Kind 1 - tree cover
  • Site Obs. Cover Kind 2 - rangeland, grassland
  • Pedoderm Loose Cover Indicator - no
  • Drained? - no
  • Bedded Soil? - no
  • Forest Plantation? - no
  • Current Weather - partly cloudy
  • Current Air Temp - 2
  • Vegetation Plot Plants
    Plant Symbol Scientific Name National Vernacular Name Plant Type Group Canopy Cover % Vegetation Stata Level








    Amelanchier alnifolia

    Festuca idahoensis



    Pinus ponderosa



    Saskatoon serviceberry

    Idaho fescue



    ponderosa pine



    Pedon Restrictions
    Kind Hardness Restriction Depth L-H Restriction Thickness L-RV-H

    bedrock, lithic


    119 - 144

    Pedon Diagnostic Features
    Feature Kind Feature Depth L-H Feature Thickness L-RV-H

    mollic epipedon



    Setting and Climate
    Slope Slope Length USLE Upslope Length Elev. Corr. Elev Aspect MAP REAP FFD MAAT MSAT MWAT MAST MSST MWST MFFP PE Index Climate Station ID Climate Station Name Climate Station Type
    % m degrees mm mm C mm





    A1—0 to 10 centimeters (0.0 to 3.9 inches); brown (10YR 4/3) interior, very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) crushed, moist; gravelly ashy silt loam; 18 percent sand; 69 percent silt; 13 percent clay; strong medium granular, and strong fine granular structure; soft, very friable, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; moderate permeability; 8.0 very fine roots and 0.8 medium roots and 0.8 fine roots; 8.0 very fine irregular and 8.0 medium irregular and 8.0 fine irregular pores; 15 percent by volume subangular indurated 2-?-75 millimeter basalt fragments; noneffervescent; slightly acid, pH 6.5, hellige-truog; diffuse smooth boundary.; dry when described; observed in pit, large or quarry
    A2—10 to 23 centimeters (3.9 to 9.1 inches); brown (10YR 5/3) interior, very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) crushed, moist; ashy silt loam; 20 percent sand; 68 percent silt; 12 percent clay; weak medium subangular blocky, and weak fine subangular blocky structure; soft, very friable, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; moderate permeability; 8.0 very fine roots and 0.8 medium roots and 0.8 fine roots; 8.0 very fine irregular and 0.8 fine tubular pores; 10 percent by volume subangular indurated 2-?-75 millimeter basalt fragments; noneffervescent; slightly acid, pH 6.4, hellige-truog; gradual smooth boundary.; dry when described; observed in pit, large or quarry
    A3—23 to 38 centimeters (9.1 to 15.0 inches); yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) interior, dark brown (10YR 3/3) crushed, moist; ashy silt loam; 19 percent sand; 69 percent silt; 12 percent clay; weak medium subangular blocky, and weak fine subangular blocky structure; slightly hard, very friable, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; moderate permeability; 3.0 very fine roots and 0.8 medium roots and 0.8 fine roots and 0.8 coarse roots; 8.0 very fine irregular and 0.8 medium tubular and 0.8 fine tubular pores; 10 percent by volume subangular indurated 2-?-75 millimeter basalt fragments; noneffervescent; slightly acid, pH 6.2, hellige-truog; gradual wavy boundary.; dry when described; observed in pit, large or quarry
    Bw1—38 to 76 centimeters (15.0 to 29.9 inches); yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) interior, brown (10YR 4/3) crushed, moist; silt loam; 22 percent sand; 68 percent silt; 10 percent clay; weak medium subangular blocky, and weak fine subangular blocky structure; slightly hard, very friable, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; moderate permeability; 0.8 very fine roots and 3.0 medium roots and 0.8 fine roots and 0.8 coarse roots; 8.0 very fine irregular and 0.8 medium tubular and 0.8 fine tubular pores; 10 percent by volume subangular indurated 2-?-75 millimeter basalt fragments; noneffervescent; slightly acid, pH 6.1, hellige-truog; gradual wavy boundary.; dry when described; observed in pit, large or quarry
    Bw2—76 to 109 centimeters (29.9 to 42.9 inches); light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4) interior, dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4) crushed, moist; silt loam; 20 percent sand; 70 percent silt; 10 percent clay; weak fine subangular blocky, and weak medium subangular blocky structure; moderately hard, friable, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; moderate permeability; 0.8 very fine roots and 0.8 medium roots and 0.8 fine roots and 0.8 coarse roots; 8.0 very fine irregular and 0.8 very fine tubular and 0.8 fine tubular pores; 2 percent faint organic stains; 10 percent by volume subangular indurated 2-?-75 millimeter basalt fragments; noneffervescent; moderately acid, pH 5.8, hellige-truog; diffuse wavy boundary.; dry when described; observed in pit, large or quarry. patchy - phpvsfiid 20941; patchy - phpvsfiid 20941
    2BC—109 to 119 centimeters (42.9 to 46.9 inches); light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/4) interior, yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) crushed, moist; extremely gravelly silt loam; 16 percent sand; 74 percent silt; 10 percent clay; weak fine subangular blocky structure; slightly hard, very friable, nonsticky, nonplastic; moderate permeability; 0.8 very fine roots around fragments and 3.0 fine roots around fragments; 8.0 very fine irregular and 0.8 fine tubular pores; 70 percent by volume angular indurated 2-?-75 millimeter basalt fragments; noneffervescent; moderately acid, pH 5.8, hellige-truog; diffuse wavy boundary.; moist when described; observed in pit, large or quarry
    2R—119 to 144 centimeters (46.9 to 56.7 inches); bedrock; fragments.; observed in pit, large or quarry