• Current Taxon Name (Soil Name): Tabler
  • OSD
  • Series Extent
  • User Site ID: S2009OK071001
  • User Pedon ID: S2009OK071001
  • Vegetation Plot ID: S2009OK071001
  • Lab Information:
  • Certified Lab Pedon Description - yes
  • Lab Source ID - KSSL
  • Lab Pedon # - 09N0979
  • NCSS Pedon Lab Data NASIS Record ID - 24555
  • Print Date: 9/24/2024

  • Location In Web Soil Survey
  • AOI is roughly a square mile and pedon is marked in the center.
  • Location in SoilWeb
  • Location in Google Maps
  • Std. Latitude: 36.7068520
  • Std. Longitude: -97.1748047
  • Datum: WGS84
  • Township: 26N
  • Range: 1E
  • Section: 27
  • PLSS Details: about 1760 feet S and 50 Feet W of the NE corner
  • Map Unit: TaA—Tabler silt loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes
  • Country: US—United States
  • State: Oklahoma
  • County: OK071—Kay
  • MLRA: 80A—Central Rolling Red Prairies
  • Regional Office: SC—South Central
  • MLRA Soil Survey Area: SC-STW—Stillwater, Oklahoma
  • 7.5 Minute USGS Quad: 36097-F2—Ponca City NW, Oklahoma

  • Describers Name: Steve Alspach, Jake Boyett, Jeremy Dennis, Chris Hobbs
  • Current Taxonomic Class: Fine, mixed, active, thermic Udertic Paleustolls
  • Current Taxon Kind: series
  • Pedon Type: classifies to current taxon name, full description
  • Pedon Purpose: full pedon description
  • Correlated Information:
  • Soil Name - Tabler
  • PSC - 29 to 79 cm.
  • Classificaton Date - 4/25/2014
  • Classifier - Jeremy Dennis
  • Soil Taxonomic Edition - eleventh edition
  • Moisture Class - ustic
  • Moisture Subclass - ustic
  • Sampled As Information:
  • Soil Name - Tabler
  • Taxonomic Class - Fine, mixed, active, thermic Udertic Paleustolls
  • Taxon Kind - series
  • PSC - 29 to 79 cm.
  • Classificaton Date - 7/6/2009
  • Moisture Class - ustic
  • Moisture SUBClass - ustic
  • Dynamic Soil Properties:
  • Erosion Class - 0
  • Pedoderm Loose Cover Indicator - no
  • Hydric: no
  • Certification Status: certified
  • QC Status: level 1
  • QA Status: level 1

  • SITE

  • Parent Material: alluvium
  • Landscape: alluvial plain
  • Landform: tread of paleoterrace
  • Geomorphic Component Terraces: tread
  • Slope Complexity: simple
  • Slope Shape Across: linear
  • Slope Shape Down: linear
  • Runoff: low
  • Drainage Class: moderately well
  • Geology: Terrace Gravel formation.
  • Surface Fragments:
  • Benchmark Soil?: no


  • Observation Date: 7/6/2009 (actual site observation date)
  • Surface Cover Properties:
  • Site Obs. Cover Kind 1 - crop cover
  • Site Obs. Cover Kind 2 - row crop
  • Pedoderm Loose Cover Indicator - no
  • Drained? - no
  • Bedded Soil? - no
  • Forest Plantation? - no
  • Current Weather - sunny
  • Vegetation Plot Plants
    Plant Symbol Scientific Name National Vernacular Name Plant Type Group Canopy Cover % Vegetation Stata Level


    Triticum aestivum

    common wheat

    Pedon Restrictions
    Kind Hardness Restriction Depth L-H Restriction Thickness L-RV-H

    densic material

    moderately coherent

    7 - 19

    - 12 -

    Pedon Diagnostic Features
    Feature Kind Feature Depth L-H Feature Thickness L-RV-H

    mollic epipedon

    densic materials

    abrupt textural change

    argillic horizon

    secondary carbonates














    Setting and Climate
    Slope Slope Length USLE Upslope Length Elev. Corr. Elev Aspect MAP REAP FFD MAAT MSAT MWAT MAST MSST MWST MFFP PE Index Climate Station ID Climate Station Name Climate Station Type
    % m degrees mm mm C mm



    Ap—0 to 7 centimeters (0.0 to 2.8 inches); grayish brown (10YR 5/2), dark brown (7.5YR 3/2), moist; silt loam; 9 percent sand; 71 percent silt; 20 percent clay; strong thin platy structure; 1.0 medium roots throughout and 6.0 fine roots throughout; 1.0 fine pores; 1 percent fine distinct brown (7.5YR 4/4), dry, masses of oxidized iron in matrix and 1 percent fine distinct pale brown (10YR 6/3), dry, iron depletions in matrix; ; fragments; abrupt smooth boundary.
    Adp—7 to 19 centimeters (2.8 to 7.5 inches); grayish brown (10YR 5/2), dark brown (7.5YR 3/2), moist; silt loam; 9 percent sand; 71 percent silt; 20 percent clay; strong medium platy structure; 2.0 very fine roots throughout; 1 percent distinct brown (7.5YR 4/4), dry, masses of oxidized iron in matrix and 1 percent distinct pale brown (10YR 6/3), dry, iron depletions in matrix; fragments; abrupt smooth boundary.
    A—19 to 29 centimeters (7.5 to 11.4 inches); grayish brown (10YR 5/2), very dark gray (7.5YR 3/1), moist; silty clay loam; 9 percent sand; 63 percent silt; 28 percent clay; weak medium subangular blocky parts to moderate medium granular structure; 1.0 fine roots throughout; 1.0 fine pores; 1 percent fine distinct brown (7.5YR 4/4), dry, masses of oxidized iron in matrix; fragments; abrupt smooth boundary.
    Bt—29 to 64 centimeters (11.4 to 25.2 inches);, dark brown (7.5YR 3/2), moist; silty clay; 6 percent sand; 48 percent silt; 46 percent clay; weak coarse prismatic parts to strong medium subangular blocky structure; very fine roots throughout; 0.5 very fine pores; 30 percent distinct organic stains on vertical faces of peds and 70 percent distinct clay films on all faces of peds; 2 percent medium distinct black (7.5YR 2/1), dry, iron-manganese concretions in matrix; ; fragments; gradual smooth boundary. continuous - phpvsfiid 466036; continuous - phpvsfiid 466036
    Btkss—64 to 89 centimeters (25.2 to 35.0 inches);, dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2), moist; silty clay; 9 percent sand; 50 percent silt; 41 percent clay; weak coarse prismatic parts to weak medium subangular blocky structure; 0.5 fine roots in cracks; 0.5 very fine pores; 5 percent pressure faces on all faces of peds and 5 percent prominent organic stains on vertical faces of peds and 30 percent distinct dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2), moist, clay films on all faces of peds; 2 percent medium distinct iron-manganese concretions in matrix; 7 percent medium distinct carbonate nodules in matrix; , 1 percent by weight nonflat well rounded indurated 2-10-20 millimeter quartzite fragments observed by weighed method; gradual smooth boundary.
    Btkg1—89 to 112 centimeters (35.0 to 44.1 inches);, dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2), moist; silty clay; 12 percent sand; 48 percent silt; 40 percent clay; weak coarse prismatic parts to weak medium subangular blocky structure; 0.5 very fine roots in cracks; 0.5 very fine pores; 3 percent distinct dark brown (7.5YR 3/2) organic stains on vertical faces of peds; 3 percent medium distinct strong brown (7.5YR 4/6), dry, masses of oxidized iron in matrix and 3 percent medium distinct iron-manganese concretions in matrix and 5 percent medium distinct gray (10YR 6/1), dry, iron depletions in matrix; 5 percent medium distinct carbonate nodules in matrix and 3 percent medium distinct carbonate concretions in matrix; , 1 percent by weight nonflat well rounded indurated 2-10-20 millimeter quartzite fragments observed by weighed method; gradual wavy boundary.
    Btkg2—112 to 131 centimeters (44.1 to 51.6 inches);, dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2), moist; silty clay; 12 percent sand; 44 percent silt; 44 percent clay; weak coarse prismatic parts to weak medium subangular blocky structure; 30 percent distinct clay films on all faces of peds; 5 percent coarse prominent iron-manganese concretions in matrix and 5 percent medium prominent iron-manganese masses in matrix and 10 percent medium prominent strong brown (7.5YR 4/6) masses of oxidized iron in matrix and 10 percent medium prominent gray (10YR 6/1), dry, iron depletions in matrix; 1 percent fine distinct carbonate concretions in matrix; , 1 percent by weight nonflat well rounded indurated 2-10-20 millimeter quartzite fragments observed by weighed method; diffuse wavy boundary.
    Btg1—131 to 153 centimeters (51.6 to 60.2 inches);, light brownish gray (10YR 6/2), moist; clay; 12 percent sand; 40 percent silt; 48 percent clay; weak coarse prismatic parts to weak medium subangular blocky structure; 3 percent coarse prominent iron-manganese concretions in matrix and 15 percent coarse prominent strong brown (7.5YR 4/6), dry, masses of oxidized iron in matrix; fragments; diffuse wavy boundary.
    Btssg—153 to 200 centimeters (60.2 to 78.7 inches);, light brownish gray (10YR 6/2), moist; silty clay; 15 percent sand; 42 percent silt; 42 percent clay; weak coarse prismatic parts to moderate medium angular blocky structure; 10 percent distinct clay films on all faces of peds and 40 percent distinct slickensides (geogenic) on vertical faces of peds; 1 percent medium distinct very dark gray (10YR 3/1), dry, manganese coatings in matrix and 20 percent medium distinct strong brown (7.5YR 4/6), dry, masses of oxidized iron in matrix; 3 percent fine distinct gypsum masses in matrix; fragments; clear wavy boundary. discontinuous - phpvsfiid 466043; discontinuous - phpvsfiid 466043
    Btg2—200 to 210 centimeters (78.7 to 82.7 inches);, strong brown (7.5YR 4/6), moist; silty clay loam; 15 percent sand; 45 percent silt; 40 percent clay; weak coarse prismatic parts to weak medium subangular blocky structure; 1 percent distinct dark brown (7.5YR 3/2) organic stains on surfaces along root channels; 3 percent medium iron-manganese nodules in matrix and 5 percent medium iron-manganese masses in matrix and 35 percent medium gray (10YR 6/1), dry, iron depletions in matrix; fragments.