• Current Taxon Name (Soil Name): Lelavale
  • OSD
  • Series Extent
  • User Site ID: S12TX1991041
  • User Pedon ID: S2012TX1991041
  • Lab Information:
  • Certified Lab Pedon Description - no
  • Lab Pedon # - 12N8312
  • NCSS Pedon Lab Data NASIS Record ID - 72995
  • Print Date: 12/4/2024

  • Location In Web Soil Survey
  • AOI is roughly a square mile and pedon is marked in the center.
  • Location in SoilWeb
  • Location in Google Maps
  • Std. Latitude: 30.4526889
  • Std. Longitude: -94.6476389
  • Datum: WGS84
  • State: Texas
  • County: TX199—Hardin
  • MLRA: 152B—Western Gulf Coast Flatwoods

  • Describers Name: Cody Langston, Kenny Hall
  • Current Taxonomic Class: Fine-loamy, thermic Typic Glossaqualfs
  • Current Taxon Kind: series
  • Pedon Type: OSD pedon
  • Pedon Purpose: laboratory sampling site
  • Pedon Record Orgin: Pedon PC 5.0
  • Sampled As Information:
  • Soil Name - Lelavale
  • Taxonomic Class - Fine-loamy, thermic Typic Glossaqualfs
  • Taxon Kind - series
  • PSC - 14 to 64 cm.
  • Classificaton Date - 8/16/2012
  • Soil Taxonomic Edition - eleventh edition
  • Moisture SUBClass - aquic
  • Dynamic Soil Properties:
  • Pedoderm Loose Cover Indicator - no
  • Hydric: no

  • SITE

  • Parent Material: moderately weathered, loamy fluviomarine deposits derived from igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rock
  • Landscape: coastal plain
  • Landform: depression
  • Geomorphic Component Flats: dip
  • Slope Shape Across: concave
  • Slope Shape Down: concave
  • Drainage Class: poorly
  • Surface Fragments:
  • Benchmark Soil?: no


  • Observation Date: 8/16/2012 (actual site observation date)
  • Surface Cover Properties:
  • Site Obs. Cover Kind 1 - tree cover
  • Site Obs. Cover Kind 2 - other tree cover
  • Pedoderm Loose Cover Indicator - no
  • Drained? - no
  • Bedded Soil? - no
  • Forest Plantation? - no
  • Pedon Diagnostic Features
    Feature Kind Feature Depth L-H Feature Thickness L-RV-H

    ochric epipedon

    redox concentrations

    argillic horizon

    glossic horizon

    aquic conditions














    Setting and Climate
    Slope Slope Length USLE Upslope Length Elev. Corr. Elev Aspect MAP REAP FFD MAAT MSAT MWAT MAST MSST MWST MFFP PE Index Climate Station ID Climate Station Name Climate Station Type
    % m degrees mm mm C mm

    A—0 to 14 centimeters (0.0 to 5.5 inches); dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) loam; weak fine granular structure; friable; 4.0 very fine roots and 4.0 fine roots; 5.0 very fine pores; 3 percent fine distinct light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4) masses of oxidized iron with clear boundaries lining pores; fragments; noneffervescent; clear smooth boundary. Lab sample # 12N04878; moist when described; observed in pit, small
    B/Et1—14 to 35 centimeters (5.5 to 13.8 inches); grayish brown (10YR 5/2) loam; weak fine subangular blocky structure; firm; 3 percent faint dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2), moist, clay films on all faces of peds; 6 percent fine distinct brownish yellow (10YR 6/6), moist, masses of oxidized iron with sharp boundaries lining pores; fragments; noneffervescent; gradual wavy boundary.; moist when described; observed in pit, small
    B/Et2—35 to 53 centimeters (13.8 to 20.9 inches); gray (10YR 5/1) clay loam; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; firm; 6 percent faint dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2), moist, clay films on all faces of peds; 3 percent fine prominent strong brown (7.5YR 5/8), moist, masses of oxidized iron with sharp boundaries in matrix and 10 percent medium distinct brownish yellow (10YR 6/6), moist, masses of oxidized iron with sharp boundaries in matrix; fragments; noneffervescent; clear smooth boundary.; moist when described; observed in pit, small
    B/Etg1—53 to 102 centimeters (20.9 to 40.2 inches); gray (10YR 5/1) clay loam; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; firm; 10 percent faint dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2), moist, clay films on all faces of peds; 5 percent fine prominent greenish gray (10Y 6/1), moist, iron depletions with clear boundaries in matrix and 5 percent medium prominent strong brown (7.5YR 5/6), moist, ironstone nodules with sharp boundaries in matrix and 12 percent medium prominent brownish yellow (10YR 6/6), moist, masses of oxidized iron with sharp boundaries in matrix surrounding redox concentrations; ; fragments; noneffervescent; gradual smooth boundary.; moist when described; observed in pit, small
    B/Etg2—102 to 157 centimeters (40.2 to 61.8 inches); gray (10YR 5/1) clay loam; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; firm; 8 percent faint dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2), moist, clay films on all faces of peds; 7 percent fine prominent light greenish gray (10Y 7/1), moist, iron depletions with clear boundaries in matrix and 13 percent medium prominent reddish yellow (7.5YR 6/6), moist, masses of oxidized iron with sharp boundaries in matrix and 25 percent coarse ironstone nodules; fragments; noneffervescent; gradual wavy boundary.; moist when described; observed in auger, bucket
    B/Etg3—157 to 203 centimeters (61.8 to 79.9 inches); gray (10YR 6/1) clay; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; firm; 10 percent faint gray (10YR 5/1), moist, clay films on all faces of peds; 6 percent fine prominent greenish gray (10Y 6/1) iron depletions with clear boundaries in matrix and 25 percent coarse ironstone nodules in matrix; fragments; noneffervescent.; moist when described; observed in auger, bucket