• User Site ID: S12WY630002
  • User Pedon ID: S2012WY007002
  • Lab Information:
  • Certified Lab Pedon Description - no
  • Lab Source ID - KSSL
  • Lab Pedon # - 13N97103
  • NCSS Pedon Lab Data NASIS Record ID - 72835
  • Print Date: 9/24/2024

  • Location Description: Located at the Medicine Bow snotel site.
  • State: Wyoming
  • County: WY007—Carbon
  • MLRA Soil Survey Area: NW-PIN—Pinedale, Wyoming
  • Non-MLRA Soil Survey Area: WY632—Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyoming, Central and Western Parts

  • Describers Name: Cameron Clark
  • Pedon Type: not classified to current taxon name
  • Pedon Purpose: laboratory sampling site
  • Pedon Record Orgin: NASIS
  • Dynamic Soil Properties:
  • Pedoderm Loose Cover Indicator - no
  • Hydric: no

  • SITE

  • Parent Material: colluvium over residuum weathered from mica schist
  • Hill Slope Profile: backslope
  • Slope Shape Across: convex
  • Slope Shape Down: convex
  • Drainage Class: well
  • Flooding: none flooding
  • Ponding: none ponding
  • Bedrock: schist, mica at 88cm
  • Surface Fragments:
  • Benchmark Soil?: no


  • Observation Date: 8/14/2012 (actual site observation date)
  • Data Collector: Cameron Clark
  • Surface Cover Properties:
  • Site Obs. Cover Kind 1 - tree cover
  • Site Obs. Cover Kind 2 - conifers
  • Pedoderm Loose Cover Indicator - no
  • Drained? - no
  • Bedded Soil? - no
  • Forest Plantation? - no
  • Pedon Restrictions
    Kind Hardness Restriction Depth L-H Restriction Thickness L-RV-H

    bedrock, paralithic

    88 - 100

    Pedon Diagnostic Features
    Feature Kind Feature Depth L-H Feature Thickness L-RV-H

    ochric epipedon

    argillic horizon

    paralithic contact







    Setting and Climate
    Slope Slope Length USLE Upslope Length Elev. Corr. Elev Aspect MAP REAP FFD MAAT MSAT MWAT MAST MSST MWST MFFP PE Index Climate Station ID Climate Station Name Climate Station Type
    % m degrees mm mm C mm




    Med Bow


    O—0 to 7 centimeters (0.0 to 2.8 inches); 18 percent clay; 1.0 medium roots throughout and 2.0 fine roots throughout; 1.0 pores; 2 percent by volume unspecified fragments; noneffervescent; gradual wavy boundary. Lab sample # 13N11819; observed in pit, small
    A—7 to 14 centimeters (2.8 to 5.5 inches); very dark brown (7.5YR 2.5/2) broken face, brown (7.5YR 4/2) broken face, dry; loam; moderate medium platy structure; 1.0 medium roots throughout and 0.5 fine roots throughout; 1.0 pores; 2 percent by volume unspecified fragments; noneffervescent; moderately acid, pH 6.0; gradual wavy boundary. Lab sample # 13N11820; observed in pit, small
    E—14 to 34 centimeters (5.5 to 13.4 inches); brown (7.5YR 4/3) broken face, brown (7.5YR 5/3) broken face, dry; loam; 20 percent clay; weak medium subangular blocky structure; 2.0 medium roots throughout; 1.0 pores; 5 percent by volume unspecified fragments; noneffervescent; moderately acid, pH 6.0; gradual wavy boundary. Lab sample # 13N11821; observed in pit, small
    Bt—34 to 66 centimeters (13.4 to 26.0 inches); 50 percent brown (10YR 5/3) broken face and 50 percent yellowish red (5YR 5/8) broken face, pale brown (10YR 6/3) broken face, dry; gravelly clay loam; 28 percent clay; moderate fine subangular blocky structure; 1.0 medium roots throughout; 20 percent by volume nonflat subrounded granite fragments; noneffervescent; slightly acid, pH 6.2; gradual wavy boundary. Lab sample # 13N11822; observed in pit, small
    C—66 to 88 centimeters (26.0 to 34.6 inches); dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4) broken face, yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) broken face, dry; very gravelly loam; 26 percent clay; structureless massive; 60 percent by volume nonflat subrounded schist, mica fragments; noneffervescent; slightly acid, pH 6.2; gradual boundary. Lab sample # 13N11823; observed in pit, small
    Cr—88 to 100 centimeters (34.6 to 39.4 inches); bedrock; fragments.; observed in pit, small