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Available Water Capacity at Various Depths

This script retrieves the available water capacity values stored in the map unit aggregate table for various depths. The restrictive layers are not considered in this query.

Text highlighted in yellow in the example script can be changed for a particular area; e.g., 'NE109' can be substituted for 'KS169'. Also, you can use wildcards to get the entire State; e.g., 'MO%' will extract the State of Missouri. More examples can be found on the Tips page.

Tips Page

Copy the example script below and paste it into the query page on the Soil Data Access site.

Soil Data Access Query Page

Example Script

SELECT lo.areasymbol AS Area_symbol, lo.areaname AS Area_name,

m.mukey AS MUKEY, m.musym AS Map_unit_symbol, m.muname AS Map_unit_name,

aws025wta AS AWS_025cm_Weighted_Average, aws050wta AS AWS_050cm_Weighted_Average, aws0100wta AS AWS_100cm_Weighted_Average, aws0150wta AS AWS_150cm_Weighted_Average

FROM mapunit AS m

INNER JOIN legend AS l ON l.lkey=m.lkey

INNER JOIN laoverlap AS lo ON l.lkey = lo.lkey AND lo.areatypename ='County Or Parish'

AND l.areasymbol = 'KS169'

INNER JOIN muaoverlap AS mo ON lo.lareaovkey = mo.lareaovkey AND m.mukey = mo.mukey

INNER JOIN muaggatt AS mug ON m.mukey=mug.mukey

Example Table Output

Description of tables and columns can be found on this link: Table and Column Descriptions

Area_symbol Area_name MUKEY Map_unit_symbol Map_unit_name AWS_025cm_Weighted_Average AWS_050cm_Weighted_Average AWS_100cm_Weighted_Average AWS_150cm_Weighted_Average
KS169 Saline 1382181 2177 McCook silt loam, occasionally flooded 5.5 10.79 20.29 29.79
KS169 Saline 1382183 2179 McCook soils, occasionally flooded 5.5 10.73 20.23 29.73
KS169 Saline 2605792 4673 Irwin silty clay loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes 5.13 8.94 16.13 23.5

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