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Ecological Site Index by Area Symbol

This script retrieves the ecological site ID and ecological class name by area symbol.

The area symbol can be changed in the example script to retrieve data for a particular area, such as 'MO017' or an entire State, such as 'MO%'. Examples can be found on the Tips Page.

Tips Page

Copy the example script below and paste it into the query page on the Soil Data Access site.

Soil Data Access Query Page

Example Script

SELECT lo.areasymbol, lo.areaname, m.musym, m.mukey, m.muname, mo.areaovacres,

c.compname, c.comppct_r, coecoclass.ecoclassname, coecoclass.ecoclassid


FROM legend

INNER JOIN laoverlap AS lo ON legend.lkey=lo.lkey AND legend.areasymbol<>'US'

INNER JOIN muaoverlap AS mo ON mo.lareaovkey = lo.lareaovkey AND lo.areatypename='mlra'

INNER JOIN mapunit AS m ON m.mukey = mo.mukey

INNER JOIN component AS c ON m.mukey=c.mukey AND compkind = 'series' AND

c.cokey = (SELECT TOP 1 component.cokey FROM component WHERE component.mukey=m.mukey ORDER BY component.comppct_r DESC)

LEFT OUTER JOIN coecoclass ON c.cokey = coecoclass.cokey AND ecoclasstypename LIKE 'NRCS%'

WHERE legend.areasymbol LIKE 'MO017'

ORDER BY lo.areasymbol, m.muname

SELECT areasymbol AS Area_symbol, areaname AS Area_name, muname AS Map_unit_name, SUM(areaovacres) AS MLRA_acres,

compname AS Component_name, ecoclassid AS Ecosite_ID, ecoclassname AS Ecosite_name


GROUP BY areasymbol, areaname, muname, compname, ecoclassid, ecoclassname

ORDER BY areasymbol, muname


Example Table Output

Description of tables and columns can be found on this link: Table and Column Descriptions

Area_symbol Area_name Map_unit_name MLRA_acres Component_name Ecosite_ID Ecosite_name
115B Central Mississippi Valley Wooded Slopes, Western Part Haymond silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes, frequently flooded 202 Haymond F115BY031MO Loamy Floodplain Forest
116A Ozark Highland Alred-Gepp complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes, stony 8455 Alred F116AY011MO Chert Upland Woodland
116C St. Francois Knobs and Basins Delassus silt loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes 12 Delassus F116CY009MO Fragipan Basin Woodland

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