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Soil Data Access Home Page

Description: Soil Data Access Home page.

Link: Soil Data Access Page

GIS Linking and AOI Intersect

Some of these scripts retrieve data that can be linked to the Polygon layer by the MUKEY column; others use polygon vertices pairs to identify a bounding area.

Geometry Intersect with SSURGO Data Tables

Description: This script intersects a triangular area of interest (AOI) and returns two SSURGO tables.

Script: Geometric Intersect with SSURGO Data Tables

GIS Linking

Description: This script gets data for a join to a GIS layer with a one-to-many relationship between map unit and component names. It produces two tables with a linking field.

Script: Soil Data to Link to GIS with MUKEY

MUKEY by Point Intersect

Description: This script retrieves the Map unit name and the MUKEY to link back to a map.

Script: Soil Data to Link to GIS with MUKEY

Ecological Site by AOI

Description: This script retrieves the Ecological site ID and Name for a designated AOI.

Script: Ecological Site by AOI

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