Mast head image

Hydric Rating Criteria by State

This script retrieves component data and hydric rating by State.

Text highlighted in yellow in the example script can be changed for a particular state. Examples can be found on the Tips page.

Tips Page

Copy the example script below and paste it into the query page on the Soil Data Access site.

Soil Data Access Query Page

Example Script

SELECT areasymbol AS Area_symbol, areaname AS Area_name, mu.mukey AS MUKEY, musym AS Map_unit_symbol,

muname AS Map_unit_name, CASE WHEN localphase IS NULL THEN compname ELSE compname + ', ' + localphase END AS Component_name_and_phase,

comppct_r AS Component_percentage, (mu.muacres*co.comppct_r/100) AS Component_acres,

(SELECT TOP 1 cogeomordesc.geomfname FROM cogeomordesc

WHERE co.cokey = cogeomordesc.cokey AND cogeomordesc.rvindicator='yes' AND cogeomordesc.geomftname = 'Landform') AS Landform,

SUBSTRING( ( SELECT ( ', ' + hydriccriterion)

FROM component AS co1

INNER JOIN cohydriccriteria AS coh1 ON coh1.cokey=co1.cokey

AND co.cokey = co1.cokey ORDER BY hydriccriterion, co1.cokey, co.cokey, cohydcritkey

FOR XML PATH('') ), 3, 50) as Hydric_criteria

FROM legend AS l

INNER JOIN mapunit AS mu ON l.lkey = mu.lkey AND LEFT (l.areasymbol, 2) LIKE 'TX'

INNER JOIN component AS co ON mu.mukey = co.mukey AND hydricrating = 'yes'

ORDER BY areasymbol, musym

Example Table Output

Description of tables and columns can be found on this link: Table and Column Descriptions

Area_symbol Area_name MUKEY Map_unit_symbol Map_unit_name Component_name_and_phase Component_percentage Component_acres Landform Hydric_criteria
MO001 Adair County, Missouri 2528327 13505 Blackoar silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, occasionally flooded Blackoar 91 126 flood-plain steps 2
MO075 Gentry County, Missouri 2532116 36020 Kennebec silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, occasionally flooded Nodaway, frequently flooded 3 43 flood plains 4
MO211 Sullivan County, Missouri 2531949 30217 Vigar-Zook-Nodaway complex, 1 to 5 percent slopes Zook 28 88 flood plains 4

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