Mast head image

List of Interpretations by Area Symbol

This script retrieves the list of interpretation names and rule depths by area symbol.

Text highlighted in yellow in the example script can be changed for a particular area, or you can use wildcards to get an entire State. Examples can be found on the Tips page.

Tips Page

Copy the example script below and paste it into the query page on the Soil Data Access site.

Soil Data Access Query Page

Example Script

SELECT DISTINCT ci.mrulename AS Rule_name, ci.ruledepth AS Rule_depth

FROM legend AS l

INNER JOIN mapunit AS m ON l.lkey = m.lkey AND l.areasymbol LIKE 'MI003'

INNER JOIN component AS c ON m.mukey = c.mukey

INNER JOIN cointerp AS ci ON c.cokey = ci.cokey

ORDER by ci.mrulename

Example Table Output

Description of tables and columns can be found on this link: Table and Column Descriptions

Rule_name Rule_depth
AWM - Irrigation Disposal of Wastewater 0
DHS - Catastrophic Mortality, Large Animal Disposal, Pit 0
FOR - Hand Planting Suitability 1

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