Mast head image

Weighted Average Data Dump for ESD development

This script calculates the weighted average of many soil properties to 100 cm.

Text highlighted in yellow in the example script can be changed for a particular MLRA. Examples can be found on the Tips page.

Tips Page

Copy the example script below and paste it into the query page on the Soil Data Access site.

If you get an error message "Arithmetric overflow error converting real to data type numeric", one of the calculations is exceeding the column width. You will need to round one or more weighted average values.

Soil Data Access Query Page

Example Script

SELECT LEFT((l.areasymbol), 2) AS state, lo.areasymbol, l.areaname, mu.mukey, mu.musym, mu.muname, mukind, mu.muacres, mo.areaovacres, c.majcompflag, c.comppct_r,

c.compname, compkind, (mu.muacres*c.comppct_r/100) AS compacres, localphase, slope_l, slope_r, slope_h, CASE WHEN nirrcapscl IS NULL THEN

nirrcapcl ELSE nirrcapcl + nirrcapscl END AS capclass, drainagecl, hydgrp, hydricrating, (SELECT TOP 1 hydriccriterion FROM cohydriccriteria

WHERE c.cokey = cohydriccriteria.cokey) AS criteria, corsteel, corcon, flecolcomnum,

(SELECT TOP 1 coecoclass.ecoclassid FROM component LEFT OUTER JOIN coecoclass ON component.cokey = coecoclass.cokey

WHERE ecoclasstypename NOT IN ('NRCS Rangeland Site', 'NRCS Forestland Site') AND coecoclass.cokey = c.cokey) AS ecosite

, taxclname, taxorder, taxsuborder, taxgrtgroup, taxsubgrp, taxtempregime, taxpartsize

, (SELECT TOP 1 copmgrp.pmgroupname FROM copmgrp WHERE c.cokey = copmgrp.cokey AND copmgrp.rvindicator='yes') AS pm

, (SELECT TOP 1 cogeomordesc.geomfname FROM cogeomordesc WHERE c.cokey = cogeomordesc.cokey AND cogeomordesc.rvindicator='yes' AND cogeomordesc.geomftname = 'Landform') AS landform

, (SELECT CASE WHEN MIN(soimoistdept_r) IS NULL THEN '200' ELSE (MIN(soimoistdept_r) ) END

FROM component

LEFT OUTER JOIN comonth ON comonth.cokey = component.cokey

LEFT OUTER JOIN cosoilmoist ON comonth.comonthkey = cosoilmoist.comonthkey

WHERE component.cokey = c.cokey AND soimoiststat = 'Wet'

AND ((taxtempregime IN ('Cryic', 'Pergelic') AND comonth.month IN ('July', 'August'))

OR (taxtempregime IN ('Frigid', 'Mesic', 'Isofrigid') AND comonth.month IN ('May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September'))

OR (taxtempregime IN ('Thermic', 'Hyperthermic') AND comonth.month IN ('April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October'))

OR (taxtempregime IN ('Isothermic', 'Isohyperthermic', 'Isomesic') AND comonth.month IN ('March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August',

'September', 'October', 'November')))) AS mingswatertable_r,

(SELECT CASE WHEN MAX(soimoistdept_r) IS NULL THEN '200' ELSE (MAX(soimoistdept_r)) END

FROM component

LEFT OUTER JOIN comonth ON comonth.cokey = component.cokey

LEFT OUTER JOIN cosoilmoist ON comonth.comonthkey = cosoilmoist.comonthkey

WHERE component.cokey = c.cokey AND soimoiststat = 'Wet'

AND ((taxtempregime IN ('Cryic', 'Pergelic') AND comonth.month IN ('July', 'August'))

OR (taxtempregime IN ('Frigid', 'Mesic', 'Isofrigid') AND comonth.month IN ('May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September'))

OR (taxtempregime IN ('Thermic', 'Hyperthermic') AND comonth.month IN ('April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October'))

OR (taxtempregime IN ('Isothermic', 'Isohyperthermic', 'Isomesic') AND comonth.month IN ('March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August',

'September', 'October', 'November')))) AS maxgswatertable_r,

(SELECT TOP 1 flodfreqcl FROM comonth, MetadataDomainMaster dm, MetadataDomainDetail dd WHERE comonth.cokey

= c.cokey AND flodfreqcl = ChoiceLabel AND DomainName = 'flooding_frequency_class' AND dm.DomainID = dd.DomainID order by choicesequence DESC)

AS flodfreq, (SELECT TOP 1 floddurcl FROM comonth, MetadataDomainMaster dm, MetadataDomainDetail dd WHERE comonth.cokey = c.cokey AND floddurcl

= ChoiceLabel AND DomainName = 'flooding_duration_class' AND dm.DomainID = dd.DomainID order by choicesequence DESC) AS floddur, (SELECT TOP 1

pondfreqcl FROM comonth, MetadataDomainMaster dm, MetadataDomainDetail dd WHERE comonth.cokey = c.cokey AND pondfreqcl = ChoiceLabel AND

DomainName = 'ponding_frequency_class' AND dm.DomainID = dd.DomainID ORDER BY choicesequence DESC) AS pondfreq, (SELECT TOP 1 ponddurcl FROM

comonth, MetadataDomainMaster dm, MetadataDomainDetail dd WHERE comonth.cokey = c.cokey AND ponddurcl = ChoiceLabel AND DomainName =

'ponding_duration_class' AND dm.DomainID = dd.DomainID ORDER BY choicesequence DESC) AS ponddur, (SELECT CASE WHEN MIN(resdept_r) IS NULL THEN

'200' ELSE CAST(MIN(resdept_r) AS VARCHAR) END FROM component LEFT OUTER JOIN corestrictions ON component.cokey = corestrictions.cokey WHERE

component.cokey = c.cokey AND reskind IS NOT NULL) AS restrictiondept, (SELECT TOP 1 reskind FROM component LEFT OUTER JOIN corestrictions ON

component.cokey = corestrictions.cokey WHERE component.cokey = c.cokey AND reskind IS NOT NULL) AS restriction, c.cokey, hzname, hzdept_r,

hzdepb_r, (hzdepb_r-hzdept_r) AS thickness, (SELECT CASE WHEN SUM(cf.fragvol_r) IS NULL THEN '0' ELSE CAST(SUM(cf.fragvol_r) AS VARCHAR) END

FROM chfrags cf WHERE cf.chkey = ch.chkey) AS fragvol

, texture, sandtotal_r, sandvc_r, sandco_r, sandmed_r, sandfine_r, sandvf_r, silttotal_r, claytotal_r, om_r, awc_r, ksat_r, ph1to1h2o_r

, ph01mcacl2_r, caco3_r,cec7_r,ecec_r,ec_r,sar_r,ch.chkey

INTO #temp

FROM legend l

INNER JOIN laoverlap lo ON l.lkey=lo.lkey AND l.areasymbol <> 'US'

INNER JOIN muaoverlap mo ON mo.lareaovkey = lo.lareaovkey AND lo.areatypename='mlra' AND lo.areasymbol LIKE '116C'

INNER JOIN mapunit mu ON mu.mukey = mo.mukey

LEFT OUTER JOIN component c ON c.mukey = mu.mukey AND compkind = 'series'

LEFT OUTER JOIN chorizon ch ON ch.cokey = c.cokey

LEFT OUTER JOIN chtexturegrp ct ON ch.chkey=ct.chkey AND ct.rvindicatOR = 'yes'

ORDER BY l.areasymbol, mu.musym

SELECT state, #temp.areasymbol, areaname, mukey, musym, muname, mukind, muacres, majcompflag, comppct_r, compname,

compkind, compacres, localphase, slope_l, slope_r, slope_h, capclass, drainagecl, hydgrp, hydricrating, criteria, corsteel, corcon,

ecosite, taxclname, taxorder, taxsuborder, taxgrtgroup, taxsubgrp, taxtempregime, taxpartsize, pm, landform, mingswatertable_r,

maxgswatertable_r, flodfreq, floddur, pondfreq, ponddur,

CASE WHEN (restrictiondept) = '0' THEN '1' ELSE restrictiondept END AS restrictiondepth, restriction, cokey, hzname, hzdept_r, hzdepb_r,

thickness, fragvol, texture, sandtotal_r, sandvc_r, sandco_r, sandmed_r, sandfine_r, sandvf_r, silttotal_r, claytotal_r, om_r, awc_r, ksat_r

, ph1to1h2o_r, ph01mcacl2_r, caco3_r, cec7_r, ecec_r, ec_r, sar_r, chkey

INTO #temp2

FROM #temp

WHERE hzdept_r = 0

SELECT mukey, cokey, chkey, thickness, restrictiondept, corcon, corsteel,

CASE WHEN sandtotal_r IS NULL THEN '0' ELSE (sandtotal_r*thickness) END AS sand_r,

CASE WHEN sandvc_r IS NULL THEN '0' ELSE (sandvc_r*thickness) END AS vcos_r,

CASE WHEN sandco_r IS NULL THEN '0' ELSE (sandco_r*thickness) END AS cos_r,

CASE WHEN sandmed_r IS NULL THEN '0' ELSE (sandmed_r*thickness) END AS meds_r,

CASE WHEN sandfine_r IS NULL THEN '0' ELSE (sandfine_r*thickness) END AS fines_r,

CASE WHEN sandvf_r IS NULL THEN '0' ELSE (sandvf_r*thickness) END AS vfines_r,

CASE WHEN silttotal_r IS NULL THEN '0' ELSE (silttotal_r*thickness) END AS silt_r,

CASE WHEN claytotal_r IS NULL THEN '0' ELSE (claytotal_r*thickness) END AS clay_r,

CASE WHEN om_r IS NULL THEN '0' ELSE (om_r*thickness) END AS th_om_r,

CASE WHEN awc_r IS NULL THEN '0' ELSE (awc_r*thickness) END AS th_awc_r,

CASE WHEN ksat_r IS NULL THEN '0' ELSE (ksat_r*thickness) END AS th_ksat_r,

CASE WHEN ph1to1h2o_r IS NULL THEN '0' ELSE (ph1to1h2o_r*thickness) END AS th_ph1to1h2o_r,

CASE WHEN ph01mcacl2_r IS NULL THEN '0' ELSE (ph01mcacl2_r*thickness) END AS th_ph01mcacl2_r,

CASE WHEN caco3_r IS NULL THEN '0' ELSE (caco3_r*thickness) END AS th_caco3_r,

CASE WHEN cec7_r IS NULL THEN '0' ELSE (cec7_r*thickness) END AS th_cec7_r,

CASE WHEN ecec_r IS NULL THEN '0' ELSE (ecec_r*thickness) END AS th_ecec_r,

CASE WHEN ec_r IS NULL THEN '0' ELSE (ec_r*thickness) END AS th_ec_r,

CASE WHEN sar_r IS NULL THEN '0' ELSE (sar_r*thickness) END AS th_sar_r

INTO #sand

FROM #temp

ORDER BY mukey, cokey, chkey

SELECT mukey, cokey,

CAST(SUM(sand_r) AS FLOAT(2)) AS sum_sand_r,

CAST(SUM(vcos_r) AS FLOAT(2)) AS sum_vcos_r,

CAST(SUM(cos_r) AS FLOAT(2)) AS sum_cos_r,

CAST(SUM(meds_r) AS FLOAT(2)) AS sum_meds_r,

CAST(SUM(fines_r) AS FLOAT(2)) AS sum_fines_r,

CAST(SUM(vfines_r) AS FLOAT(2)) AS sum_vfines_r,

CAST(SUM(silt_r) AS FLOAT(2)) AS sum_silt_r,

CAST(SUM(clay_r) AS FLOAT(2)) AS sum_clay_r,

CAST(SUM(th_om_r) AS FLOAT(2)) AS sum_om_r,

CAST(SUM(th_awc_r) AS FLOAT(2)) AS sum_awc_r,

CAST(SUM(th_ksat_r) AS FLOAT(2)) AS sum_ksat_r,

CAST(SUM(th_ph1to1h2o_r) AS FLOAT(2)) AS sum_ph1to1h2o_r,

CAST(SUM(th_ph01mcacl2_r) AS FLOAT(2)) AS sum_ph01mcacl2_r,

CAST(SUM(th_caco3_r) AS FLOAT(2)) AS sum_caco3_r,

CAST(SUM(th_cec7_r) AS FLOAT(2)) AS sum_cec7_r,

CAST(SUM(th_ecec_r) AS FLOAT(2)) AS sum_ecec_r,

CAST(SUM(th_ec_r) AS FLOAT(2)) AS sum_ec_r,

CAST(SUM(th_sar_r) AS FLOAT(2)) AS sum_sar_r

INTO #vcsand

FROM #sand

GROUP BY mukey, cokey

ORDER BY mukey

SELECT #temp2.mukey, #temp2.cokey,

ROUND(sum_sand_r/#temp2.restrictiondepth),2) AS wtavg_sand,

(sum_vcos_r/#temp2.restrictiondepth) AS wtavg_vcos,

(sum_cos_r/#temp2.restrictiondepth) AS wtavg_cos,

(sum_meds_r/#temp2.restrictiondepth) AS wtavg_meds,

(sum_fines_r/#temp2.restrictiondepth) AS wtavg_fines,

(sum_vfines_r/#temp2.restrictiondepth) AS wtavg_vfines,

(sum_silt_r/#temp2.restrictiondepth) AS wtavg_silt,

(sum_clay_r/#temp2.restrictiondepth) AS wtavg_clay,

(sum_om_r/#temp2.restrictiondepth) AS wtavg_om,

(sum_awc_r/#temp2.restrictiondepth) AS wtavg_awc,

(sum_ksat_r/#temp2.restrictiondepth) AS wtavg_ksat,

(sum_ph1to1h2o_r/#temp2.restrictiondepth) AS wtavg_phH2O,

(sum_ph01mcacl2_r/#temp2.restrictiondepth) AS wtavg_phCACL,

(sum_caco3_r/#temp2.restrictiondepth) AS wtavg_caco3,

(sum_cec7_r/#temp2.restrictiondepth) AS wtavg_cec7,

(sum_ecec_r/#temp2.restrictiondepth) AS wtavg_ecec,

(sum_ec_r/#temp2.restrictiondepth) AS wtavg_ec,

(sum_sar_r/#temp2.restrictiondepth) AS wtavg_sar

INTO #FLwtavg

FROM #vcsand

INNER JOIN #temp2 ON #vcsand.cokey = #temp2.cokey

ORDER BY mukey, cokey

SELECT state, #temp2.areasymbol, areaname, #temp2.mukey, musym, muname, mukind, muacres, majcompflag, comppct_r,

compname, compkind, compacres, localphase, slope_l, slope_r, slope_h, capclass, drainagecl, hydgrp, hydricrating, criteria,

corsteel, corcon, ecosite, taxclname, taxorder, taxsuborder, taxgrtgroup, taxsubgrp, taxtempregime, taxpartsize, pm, landform,

mingswatertable_r, maxgswatertable_r, flodfreq, floddur, pondfreq, ponddur, restrictiondepth, restriction, #temp2.cokey,

hzname, hzdept_r, hzdepb_r, thickness, fragvol, texture, sandtotal_r

,CAST(wtavg_sAND AS INT) AS sand_wtavg

, sandvc_r

,CAST(wtavg_vcos AS DECIMAL(4,1)) AS vcos_wtavg

, sandco_r

,CAST(wtavg_cos AS DECIMAL(4,1)) AS cos_wtavg

, sandmed_r

,CAST(wtavg_meds AS DECIMAL(4,1)) AS msand_wtavg

, sandfine_r

,CAST(wtavg_fines AS DECIMAL(4,1)) AS fsand_wtavg

, sandvf_r

,CAST(wtavg_vfines AS DECIMAL(4,1)) AS vfsand_wtavg

, silttotal_r

,CAST(wtavg_silt AS INT) AS silt_wtavg

, claytotal_r

,CAST(wtavg_clay AS INT) AS clay_wtavg

, om_r

,CAST(wtavg_om AS DECIMAL(4, 1)) AS om_wtavg

, awc_r

,CAST(wtavg_awc AS DECIMAL(3,2)) AS awc_wtavg

, ksat_r

,CAST(wtavg_ksat AS DECIMAL(7,3)) AS ksat_wtavg

, ph1to1h2o_r

,CAST(wtavg_phH2O AS DECIMAL(3,1)) AS ph_wtavg

, ph01mcacl2_r

,CAST(wtavg_phCACL AS DECIMAL(3,1)) AS phcacl_wtavg

, caco3_r

,CAST(wtavg_caco3 AS DECIMAL(4,1)) AS caco3_wtavg

, cec7_r

,CAST(wtavg_cec7 AS DECIMAL(4,1)) AS cec7_wtavg

, ecec_r

,CAST(wtavg_ecec AS DECIMAL(3,1)) AS ecec_wtavg

, ec_r

,CAST(wtavg_ec AS DECIMAL(3,1)) AS ec_wtavg

, sar_r

,CAST(wtavg_sar AS DECIMAL(3,1)) AS sar_wtavg

, chkey

FROM #temp2

LEFT OUTER JOIN #FLwtavg ON #temp2.cokey = #FLwtavg.cokey

ORDER BY #temp2.areasymbol, #temp2.mukey, #temp2.cokey, #temp2.chkey




DROP TABLE #vcsand


Example Table Output

The field headers were not changed from the original script.

Description of tables and columns can be found on this link: Table and Column Descriptions

state areasymbol areaname mukey musym muname mukind muacres majcompflag comppct_r compname compkind compacres localphase slope_l slope_r slope_h capclass drainagecl hydgrp hydricrating criteria corsteel corcon ecosite taxclname taxorder taxsuborder taxgrtgroup taxsubgrp taxtempregime taxpartsize pm landform mingswatertable_r maxgswatertable_r flodfreq floddur pondfreq ponddur restrictiondepth restriction cokey hzname hzdept_r hzdepb_r thickness fragvol texture sandtotal_r sand_wtavg sandvc_r vcos_wtavg sandco_r cos_wtavg sandmed_r msand_wtavg sandfine_r fsand_wtavg sandvf_r vfsand_wtavg silttotal_r silt_wtavg claytotal_r clay_wtavg om_r om_wtavg awc_r awc_wtavg ksat_r ksat_wtavg ph1to1h2o_r ph_wtavg ph01mcacl2_r phcacl_wtavg caco3_r caco3_wtavg cec7_r cec7_wtavg ec_r ec_wtavg ecec_r ecec_wtavg sar_r sar_wtavg chkey
KS 74 Russell County, Kansas 1150939 2519 Armo loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes Consociation 31870 No 5 Wakeen Series 1593 3 5 7 6e Well drained C No Moderate Low Fine-silty, carbonatic, mesic Entic Haplustolls Mollisols Ustolls Haplustolls Entic Haplustolls mesic fine-silty calcareous loess over calcareous residuum weathered from limestone hillslopes 200 200 None None 79 Paralithic bedrock 13489838 Ap 0 25 25 1 SIL 10 8 0.4 0.3 0.9 0.6 1.4 0.9 1.8 2.1 5.5 4.5 65 62 25 29 2 1.0 0.22 0.21 9 4.695 8 8.2 7.6 7.7 10 30.9 21 18.4 0 0.6 0.7 0 0.0 38634002

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