SELECT l.[labsampnum],[result_source_key],[prep_code] ,cnn.[pedon_key],cnn.[site_key],p.[pedlabsampnum],[project_key] ,[layer_field_label_1],[hzn_top],[hzn_bot], CASE WHEN [hzn_top] < 15 then [hzn_top] ELSE 0 END AS InRangeTop_0_15 ,CASE WHEN [hzn_bot] <= 15 THEN [hzn_bot] WHEN [hzn_bot] > 15 and [hzn_top] < 15 THEN 15 ELSE 0 END AS InRangeBot_0_15,[hzn_desgn],[pedoniid],[upedonid] ,CASE WHEN [corr_name] IS NULL THEN [samp_name] ELSE [corr_name] END AS soil_name,CASE WHEN [corr_class_type] IS NULL THEN [samp_class_type] ELSE [corr_class_type] END AS class_type ,CASE WHEN [corr_classification_name] IS NULL THEN [samp_classification_name] ELSE [corr_classification_name] END AS [classification_name] ,[siteiid],[usiteid],[site_obsdate],[latitude_decimal_degrees],[longitude_decimal_degrees],country_code ,country_name , state_code , state_name , county_code , county_name , mlra_code , mlra_name , ssa_code , ssa_name ,[note],[pedobjupdate]
,CASE WHEN [estimated_organic_carbon] IS NOT NULL THEN LEFT (ROUND ([estimated_organic_carbon]* 1.724, 2),4)
WHEN [estimated_organic_carbon] IS NULL AND [caco3_lt_2_mm] IS NOT NULL THEN LEFT (ROUND (([total_carbon_ncs]- ([caco3_lt_2_mm]*0.12))* 1.724, 2),4)
WHEN [estimated_organic_carbon] IS NULL AND [caco3_lt_2_mm] IS NULL THEN LEFT (ROUND ([total_carbon_ncs]* 1.724,2),4) END AS [estimated_organic_matter], (SELECT TOP 1 [texture_lab]
FROM [lab_physical_properties] AS lpp WHERE lpp.labsampnum=l.labsampnum AND [texture_lab] IS NOT NULL) AS [lab_texture]
FROM [lab_combine_nasis_ncss] AS cnn
INNER JOIN [lab_pedon] AS p ON p.pedon_key=cnn.pedon_key
INNER JOIN [lab_layer] AS l ON l.pedon_key=p.pedon_key AND ([hzn_top] <= 15 AND [hzn_desgn] NOT LIKE '%O%')
INNER JOIN [lab_chemical_properties] AS lcp ON lcp.labsampnum=l.labsampnum AND [total_carbon_ncs] IS NOT NULL
INNER JOIN (SELECT [area_code] AS country_code,[area_name] AS country_name, area_key FROM lab_area
) AS c ON cnn.[country_key]=c.area_key
INNER JOIN (SELECT [area_code] AS state_code,[area_name] AS state_name, area_key FROM lab_area
WHERE [area_code] = 'WI')
AS s ON cnn.[state_key]=s.area_key
INNER JOIN (SELECT [area_code] AS county_code,[area_name] AS county_name, area_key FROM lab_area
) AS ct ON cnn.[county_key]=ct.area_key
INNER JOIN (SELECT [area_code] AS mlra_code,[area_name] AS mlra_name, area_key FROM lab_area
) AS m ON cnn.[mlra_key]=m.area_key
INNER JOIN (SELECT [area_code] AS ssa_code,[area_name] AS ssa_name, area_key FROM lab_area
) AS ss ON cnn.[ssa_key]=ss.area_key