Welcome to the Soil and Plant Science Division Subaqueous Soil Data Site

The data accessed on this site is from the transactional database, not Web Soil Survey, since WSS is not currently configured to display all the data for subaqueous soils. Some caution must be exercised in using this data because it is not SSURGO. Because of this, the data may change and map units may not always align with Web Soil Survey.

Soil Survey Area Symbols Reports

**You will need the soil survey area symbol as a parameter in the subaqueous soils interpretations testing reports.**

This link will create a table showing the soil survey areas in the United States that have subaqueous components. You can copy the area symbols from this table and paste them into the parameter box of the chemical properties report.
Get a table of the soil survey area symbols for areas that have subaqueous soils

You may want to know which map units in a soil survey area are subaqueous:
Table of Map Units

You may want an exhaustive listing of the map units, components, and their internal identifiers (coiid for example) for each soil survey area:
Table of Map Units and identifiers

Obtain spatial data for mapping interpretive results:

Click here to go to the place where gSSURGO by state is stored.
The data produced from the mapping exports is best linked to the gridded SSURGO product.

Subaqueous soil chemical properties:

Runs the Subaqueous Soils Chemical Properties Report for a soil survey area.
Several SAS attributes are not yet posted to Web Soil Survey but can be found here. You need to enter a soil survey area symbol at the prompt.

Use the percent sign as a wildcard.

Interpretations Testing Reports:

The following subaqueous soil interpretations are available on Web Soil Survey:

Fully qualified rule names:

"NSSC Regional Interpretations":"SAS - CMECS Substrate Class"

"NSSC Regional Interpretations":"SAS - CMECS Substrate Origin"

"NSSC Regional Interpretations":"SAS - CMECS Substrate Subclass"

"NSSC Regional Interpretations":"SAS - CMECS Substrate Subclass/Group"

"NSSC Regional Interpretations":"SAS - CMECS Substrate Subclass/Group/Subgroup"

"NSSC Regional Interpretations":"SAS - Eastern Oyster Habitat Restoration Suitability"

"NSSC Regional Interpretations":"SAS - Eelgrass Restoration Suitability"

"NSSC Regional Interpretations":"SAS - Land Utilization of Dredged Materials"

"NSSC Regional Interpretations":"SAS - Mooring Anchor - Deadweight"

"NSSC Regional Interpretations":"SAS - Mooring Anchor - Mushroom"

"NSSC Regional Interpretations":"SAS - Northern Quahog (Hard Clam) Habitat Suitability"

Run one of these interpretations for a soil survey area. This report includes the reasons.
This report prompts for the soil survey area symbol. Use percent sign as a wildcard. Paste the fully qualified name (including the quotes) from the list above into rule name field. These interpretations are on Web Soil Survey, and may be easier to use there.

Run one of these interpretations for a soil survey area. This report produces a mapping export.
This report prompts for the soil survey area symbol. Use percent sign as a wildcard. Paste the fully qualified name (including the quotes) from the list above into the rule name field.

Salinization due to coastal innundation:

Runs the Connecticut salinization due to coastal innundation interpretation for a soil survey area. This report includes the reasons (manuscript style).
This report prompts for the soil survey area symbol. Use percent sign as a wildcard. This interpretation is not yet on Web Soil Survey, but the results can be viewed here.

Runs the Connecticut Salinization due to coastal innundation interpretation for a soil survey area. This report produces an export for mapping.
This report prompts for the soil survey area symbol. Use percent sign as a wildcard. This interpretation may not be on Web Soil Survey, but the results can be viewed here. Direct questions to Debbie Surabian

Questions, suggestions, or errors with the reports to: Robert Dobos