Soil and Plant Science Division NASIS Web Reports

Have you tried the new SSURGO Portal? It now has Soil Data Viewer and creates rasterized versions of map units.

Program Manager Goals and Progress Report
This report displays acre goals and acres reported for each project. Excludes PES projects by ignoring projects with PES Status in the project name.

Program Manager PES Project Progress
Provides a summary progress of all PES Projects. PES Projects must be populated in according to page 2 of Chapter 24 of the NASIS Training Materials.

Soil Survey Office Goal and Progress Summary
Soil survey office goals summarized by project type. Excludes PES projects by ignoring projects with PES Status in the project name.

Regional Goal and Progress Summary
Regional goals summarized by project type. Excludes PES projects by ignoring projects with PES Status in the project name.

National Goal and Progress Summary
National goals summarized by project type. Excludes PES projects by ignoring projects with PES Status in the project name.

Pedon Description by Taxon Name

Pedon Description by User Pedon ID

Pedon Description by User Site ID

Create Mini Profiles of pedons in NASIS by soil name
Run this report, then change the soil name or the choice in the URL to choose another soil (f=fragment percentage and t=texture and r=redoximophic feature percentage and m1=1 for dry color and m1=2 for moist) If the color is blank then the color is null or the moisture state is null..

Soil Survey Office Long Range Plan Report
This report is the Long Range Plan report for Soil Survey Offices. The report requires that the FUTURE PROJECT milestone be populated in order for the project to appear on this report. The dates you enter will pull from the Scheduled Start Date for the FUTURE PROJECT milestone. It prompts for the types of Projects (MLRA, SDJR, ES, etc.), the ONE office you wish to report, and the scheduled start date range for the FUTURE PROJECT milestone.

Project Summary Report
This is the best report for managers to use in monitoring projects. The report prompts for office or region, using % as a wildcard, and provides fourteen summary reports. It is a one stop shop to quickly review projects by providing links to many reports.

Project Goals and Progress
( Complete Version with several tables) This report prompts for the FY, office, type of project for approved projects. It delivers the list of projects by office, SSRO, and summarizes the Total Goal and Total Reported for those projects delivered in the report. It displays the Region, SSO, Approved, Project Name, Goaled User, Goaled Acres, Reported Acres, Reported User. If a Project does not contain reported acres it is due to the Reported User not being populated.

Future Projects
This report prompts for the Soil Survey Office (11-IND or 11% or %) and lists those projects deemed as Future workload identified in the SDJR initiative and includes the project narrative.

NRCS Application Reports - Web Soil Survey Metrics
(Eauth) This is the web link for the WSS metrics page. Placed here so you will remember to monitor your state metrics. This page requires special permission. If you get a blank page please email soils hotline.

Farm Class Inconsistencies
Identifies national musyms used in more than one legend that have different farm class ratings. Typically, when a national musym is used in more than one legend with in a state it should have the same Farm Class rating.

State Correlation Report
This report identifies the old and new map unit correlation information. It prompts for the Survey symbol and the percent wildcard must be used. One area can be chosen e.g. MO123 or all areas in a State MO%. This table can be copied and pasted into Excel where it can be sorted, grouped and subtotaled by any field.

Legend Export Certification History Report
This is a condensed report from the one above. This narrative format provides the three columns used to identify the old and new map unit correlation by soil survey area for the entire state. It prompts for the two character state code and the four digit fiscal year. The information is then copied for each survey area and then pasted into the Legend Export Certification History table prior to the Legend certification and export. This report provides a minimum set of information for the user - musym, nationalmusym, and map unit name, both old and new. The state soil scientist can add information in the Legend Export Certification History table to supplement this report.

If the report times out with an error, it can be run offline in NASIS.

EFOTG soils data
This report gives brief summary soils information for a county or the whole state, it prompts for the Survey symbol. One area can be chosen e.g. MO123 or all areas in a State MO%. This table can be copied and pasted into Excel where it can be then added to the EFOTOG website.

Identify surveys with projects ready to upload
This report is designed for the State Soil Scientist to identify the Soil Surveys with projects impacting those surveys with all the correlation activity dates populated.

LESA properties by county FIPS
This report is designed to identify the county map units, symbols, names, percentage, Farmland Classification and NCCPI, Corn, Oats, Soybeans, Grain Sorghum, Cotton, and Bermudagrass as crop indicators.

NASIS to Staging Server Export - Fatal Error Precheck
As a soil survey is exported from NASIS to the Staging Server, a Fatal Error script is automatically executed. This script checks the survey area for 21 fatal errors. If even one of these errors is identified, the export fails and the user receives a notification via email. The NASIS to Staging Server Export Fatal Error Precheck report is run in advance of the export process. It identifies errors before starting the time-consuming export procedures. It prechecks all soil survey areas in a State for 15 of the fatal errors. It does not include the 6 fatal errors that are related to the non-MLRA symbol and interpretations, because those issues are out of the users control.
  • Runs on an entire State
  • Includes both major and minor components
  • Includes approved, provisional, and correlated map units in the analysis
  • Excludes additional map units
  • Only includes representative Data Mapunits (DMUs)
  • Only includes legends with a geographic applicability of "current wherever mapped"

NASIS to Staging Server Export - Warnings Precheck
This report mainly checks the survey area for issues that were addressed as part of the CART and NCCPI error data correction initiatives. It also includes a few additional checks. It issues warnings if these errors are found. These warnings will not stop a survey area from exporting from NASIS to the Staging Server, but they indicate data population issues that should be addressed.
  • Runs on entire State
  • Includes both major and minor components
  • Excludes additional map units
  • Only includes representative DMUs

NASIS to Staging Server Export - Ecological Site Precheck
This report checks for potential issues with ecological sites correlated to official published map unit components. It reviews ecological site status, looks for components not correlated to an ecological site, and checks for instances of more than one ecological site being linked to a component. It issues warnings based on these checks. These warnings will not stop a survey area from exporting from NASIS to the Staging Server, but they indicate data population issues that should be addressed.
  • Runs on entire State
  • Excludes additional map units
  • Only includes representative DMUs

NASIS to Staging Server Export - Generated Brief Soil Description PreCheck
When a soil survey area is exported from NASIS to the Staging Server, a script is run to ensure a generated brief soil description exists for each component. The script, however, cannot ensure that the generated brief soil description is current. This report solves that problem by comparing the stored description to a calculated description. Differences are identified, and a list of component record IDs is generated to assist with correcting the errors. These warnings will not stop a survey area from exporting from NASIS to the Staging Server, but they indicate data population issues that should be addressed. This web based version of the report may timeout for larger states. If that occurs, you can run the identical report directly out of NASIS. Its titled NASIS to Staging Server Export - Brief Soil Descrip PreCheck and is located in the NSSC Pangaea folder.
  • Runs on an entire State
  • Includes both major and minor components
  • Includes approved, provisional, and correlated map units in the analysis
  • Excludes additional map units
  • Only includes representative DMUSs
  • Only includes legends with a geographic applicability of "current wherever mapped"

List Of Interpretations Included in Last Export to Staging Server
This report will provide a list of all interpretations included with the last successful export form NASIS to Staging Server for a given area symbol. It does not look at exports from NASIS to SSURGO and it only looks at the last export that was created. It can be run on single soil survey area or a wild card can be used to run it on all soil surveys areas in a state. It categorizes interpretations based on the NASIS Site that owns them. The interpretations in the NSSC Pangaea site are categorized as Required National Interpretations. The interpretations in the MLRA folders are categorized as State or Regional Office. The interpretations in the NSSC Regional Interpretations site are identified as NSSC Regional Interps and all other interpretations are in the other category.
  • Can be run on areasymbol or entire state
  • Only includes exports to Staging Server
  • Only includes last successful exports
Unique List Of State and Regional (Non-Required) Interpretations Included in Last Export to Staging Server For Entire State
This report is designed to be run on all soil survey areas in a state. It will generate a UNIQUE list of all NON-REQUIRED interpretations included with the last successful export form NASIS to Staging Server. It does not look at exports from NASIS to SSURGO and it only looks at the last export that was created. Use % as wild card to load all soil survey areas for state. For example, enter OR% to load all soil surveys in Oregon.
  • Can only be run on an entire state
  • Only includes exports to Staging Server
  • Only includes last successful exports
  • Only includes NON-REQUIRED interpreations

TSS by Soil Science Region and Fiscal Year
Displays all TSS for each Region and for the given fiscal year.

TSS County Summary by State and Fiscal Year
Displays summary of all TSS activities in each County for a the state and fiscal year.

TSS by State and Fiscal Year
Displays all TSS activities for a state and fiscal year.

TSS Table by Soil Scientist and Fiscal Year
Correct format of Soil Scientist name is required e.g. Smith, John. Displays all TSS activities for the soil scientist and fiscal year.

National TSS Report
National report showing all TSS activities by state for the fiscal year.

National Summary TSS Report
National summary of all TSS activities sorted by state, person, and TSS name with summed instances and hours for the entered fiscal year.

TSS Interactive Charts By State and Fiscal Year.
This report prompts for the State Code and FY. It displays several interactive charts and graphs useful for a state.

Soils2026 Initiative Plan
This web report allows the user to see the initial mapping workplans under the Soils2026 Initiative by State, Soil Survey Office, or Soil Survey Region. If you are interested in seeing the spatial extent of Soils2026 projects or view project by Federal land ownership, please go to the Initial Soil Survey Project Map This web report pulls the project details from the National Soil Information System (NASIS) which is the Soil and Plant Science Divisions non-public transactional database for work planning. As such, the details shown in these reports are subject to change.

The report prompts for office or state using % as a wildcard. If you need assistance in how to search a specific Soil Survey Office code, please contact For projects in Alaska use 13-%, for the Southwest Region use 2-% or 8-%; for the Northwest Region use 1-% or 4-%; for the South Central Region use 9-%; for the North Central Region use 5-%, 10-% or 11-%; for the Northeast Region use 6-% or 12-%; for the Southeast Region use 3-% or 7-%. Plan details in this report are a direct reflection of NASIS data population for projects as outlined in National Instruction 430-309.4.c.

Soils2026 Initial Soil Survey Project Map
This web map allows the user to view Soils2026 Initiative project extents spatially across the Conterminous US and Alaska. This web map can be used to access Soils2026 Initiative project plans and provides a way to filter by general categories of land ownership. Individual project plans will be linked to each project extent on the map and do not require NASIS access to view. In the interest of furthering collaboration, the Soil and Plant Science Division has included National and Regional contacts of NCSS Federal Partners where known.

Database Model Change Request Form
Use this form to submit proposed Database Model Changes.

Page last updated: 03/28/2024

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