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Soil Data Access Home Page

Description: Soil Data Access Home page.

Link: Soil Data Access Page

Ecological Sites

Theses scripts retrieve data related to ecological sites.

Ecological Site by Area Symbol

Description: This script retrieves the ecological site ID and name by area symbol.

Script: Ecological Site by Area Symbol

Ecological Site

Description: This query retrieves the ecological site ID and ecological class name by area symbol.

Script: Ecological Site for MLRA by Area Symbol

Data Dump by MLRA for Ecological site development

Description: This script retrieves the minimum and maximum value for many soil properties so an ecological site key can be developed.

Script: Data Dump by MLRA for Ecological Site Development

Weighted Average Data Dump for ESD Development

Description: This script calculates the weighted average of many soil properties to 100 cm.

Script: Weighted Average Data Dump for ESD Development

Helping People Help the Land

USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.